An industrial water treatment system prepares water for consumption, manufacturing, or disposal. Individual systems differ based on the facility’s demands, although many of their technologies are comparable. The following are some essential industrial water treatment systems:

• Systems for treating raw water

Natural water sources include precipitation, groundwater, wells, lakes, and rivers. Industrial applications include cooling, cleaning, product formulation, and human consumption of purified raw water. Raw water treatment protects downstream equipment from the scaling, fouling, corrosion, and other damage caused by source water contaminants. Raw water treatment typically removes suspended or colloidal particles, silica, iron, microorganisms, and hardness.

• Boiler-feed water treatment systems

Boiler feed water treatment systems maintain boiler tubing and components from boiler and makeup feed contaminants. Organic matter, suspended particles, hardness, dissolved gasses, and metals and minerals including iron, copper, silica, calcium, magnesium, and aluminum are pollutants.

• Cooling tower water treatment systems

To prevent pollutants from damaging cooling tower components, we install water treatment systems in feed water, circulation water, and blowdown water. Chlorides, hardness, iron, silica, sulfates, TDS, and/or TSS are all examples of pollutants that might be present. In the long run, untreated cooling tower feed water can lead to expensive plant downtime, decreased productivity, and increased maintenance or equipment replacement expenses due to scale, corrosion, biological development, and fouling of cooling tower equipment.

• Wastewater treatment systems

The best waste water treatment system protects the environment, human health, and the facility’s equipment, process, and products when it reuses wastewater. It will also help the facility avoid fines and legal action for illegal wastewater discharge to the environment or public treatment facilities. The composition of waste streams and plant compliance standards determine the complexity of the wastewater treatment system.

How can the filter king system help?

If you want to learn more about industrial water treatment systems, check out our blog. We cover these systems’ costs, typical issues, and how to choose the best one for your industry.
If you have any questions, please contact Filter King System—we’ve been custom-designing and manufacturing industrial water treatment systems for years. Please contact us for additional details. Visit our website to schedule an engineering call or quotation. Let us help you find the right industrial water treatment system solution and price.